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Ghost Girl

2023-12-14 16:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Ghost Girl Ghostgirlrender Information Danger Level Unable to scan Scientific Name Unknown RADAR Pip Size Invisible Power Level 2 Max Spawned 1 Door Open Speed 1.5 Traits Behavior Haunting / Chasing Dwells Inside and Outside Vitality Shovel HP Immune Shock Response Immune Offense Attack Damage Instant Kill

Ghost Girl is an entity in Lethal Company. She will haunt one player at a time only being visible to them, first appearing at a distance, before approaching and killing them.

Contents 1 Bestiary 2 Occurrence 3 Behavior 3.1 Staring/Spawning Trigger 3.2 If you are haunted 3.3 Chase 3.3.1 Chase Triggers 3.3.2 Chase Avoidance[1] 3.3.3 In the event of being chased 4 Strategy 5 Targeting 6 Notes 7 References Bestiary[] N/A (This entity cannot be scanned.) Occurrence[] Moon Spawn Chance 85-Rend 5.18% 8-Titan 4.96% 7-Dine 3.68% 41-Experimentation 0.44% 220-Assurance 0.31% Behavior[]

Most of the information has been data-mined from the girl's AI code.

A simplified logic of the way she behaves is somewhat like a game of Hide and Seek and not a game of Tag. You are the seeker, not the hider. If you ever found(look at/approach) her, there is a chance she will start chasing you. She has 3 distinct behaviors, "hide", "stare", and "chase".

Staring/Spawning Trigger[]

She will always spawn out of your screen. Her spawn position will always have enough distance and a clear line of sight between you and her. Meaning, if you're on the ship and there's a shelf, a terminal, or even a shower (excluding the bunk bed) blocking the line of sight between you and the entrance, she will never spawn as the outside of the ship is the only sufficient space, she can spawn at.

An assumption as to why players think the shower myth exists: enemies consider the shower glass as a wall that they can't see through. Since the girl won't spawn if you place the shower correctly (shower is not facing towards the ship entrance) and staying inside, the myth where taking a shower changes her target was created.

If you are haunted[] Consider manning the ship and building a wall of objects that blocks line of sight to the door, not necessarily blocking the door, a maze-like or zig-zag system of placeable objects is sufficient. An alternative is always stare at the ship entrance to prevent her from spawning, as she can't spawn behind you because there's not enough space in the ship. Another alternative is to never look at the ship entrance, even if you face your back towards the ship entrance, she will spawn but as long as you don't look at her, she will never chase you. If you want her to stop spawning while in the factory, hug a corner or even a wall and look at the room. As she will only be able to spawn behind you. Chase[] Chase Triggers[]

There is a technical additional sub behavior between "stare" and "chase", we can call it as "chance". "Chance" is a state where she will attempt to start chasing you. She has 2 important variables in determining how she will enter chance mode, "Times she's stared at you", and "Times you've spotted her" both increases 1 time only per appearance/stare.

There are 2 ways for her to engage in chasing you:

The moment you look at her, a formula is checked, "Times you've spotted her" >= 3-5 OR "Times she's stared at you" minus "Times you've spotted her" > 2. If any of those are true, there is an 85% chance she will start chasing you. If the distance between you and the girl is less than 5 Unity Units, a formula is checked (there is more formula but the only important thing to remember is this): "Times you've spotted her" >= 2. If that is true, there is a 65% chance she will start chasing you.

All of this applies to current and future appearances during her haunt of you (Resets per target or round). Next topic is a simplified guide to the formula.

Chase Avoidance[1][]

To completely avoid her from chasing you.

If you hear her spawn (making breathing noises) Do not look for her (do not engage line of sight to her) Do not go near her (distance of 5 unity units) You can safely look at her two times, including the initial spawn. Any further attempts will lead to "chance" state. (To be properly confirmed) If you look at her a second time and you are close to her, she will enter "chance" state as well, as mentioned in the second formula, but she's safe to approach the very first time. Do not go backwards towards her. The only rule you'll ever need is to NEVER turn around if she's behind you. You can keep moving forward, left or right, but never turn around. You can turn around if: There's a wall between the both of you. She has despawned, which is indicated by her no longer breathing. If you don't hear anything behind you, it's not necessarily safe to turn around, if the hall behind you is long, there is a chance she'll spawn far enough for you to not hear her noise.

In any moment you fail to follow any of these, she might enter "chance" mode where she might chase you or just disappear. A clear indicator of failing the round of hide and seek is when you hear your audio distorted.

Following this advice will change the girl from a highly dangerous entity, greater than a Jester, into a very minor inconvenience, such as a Hoarding Bug.

In the event of being chased[]

You can end it by:

Running far away from her for at least 50 Unity units. You can easily do this by entering or exiting the factory or being teleported by a teammate. Looping her, if you have enough stamina, you should be able to loop her, just be sure you don't have any items that's holding you down. Strategy[]

There are distinct signs indicating that the ghost girl has set her sights on someone:

Lights or terminal flickering Giggling or heavy breathing Hearing becoming muffled or difficult to perceive Quiet female vocalizations (such as a gentle “Hi”) with no apparent source Hearing the faint chime(s) of a grandfather clock

From our observations, she doesn't immediately go in for the kill; instead, she indulges in a period of haunting and toying with her victim, singling out one player to haunt. It's during this time that she can transform into a genuine threat. When she starts skipping towards you, swift evasion is crucial. This signals the beginning of her hunting phase, where contact with her will result in instant death. While not exceptionally fast, she poses a significant danger. If burdened with excess loot, consider dropping it to enhance your chances of survival. Contrary to the common myth, the shower does not cause the Ghost Girl to change her target.

Unlike the Jester, a run can continue as she only focuses on one player at a time. However, this comes at the cost of diverting your attention from the compound. She can haunt players in all areas of the map, including the ship, and may appear on a ship's monitor cameras, dancing. Consequently, she is a potential run ender.


The player that the Ghost Girl targets is determined by a points system based off of several factors (per round basis):

The most paranoid player (the player who turns their camera the most) receives 30 points. If a player has been critically injured, they receive 10 points. If a player is holding items worth more than 150 scrap value, they receive 30 points. The "most insane" player receives an additional 50 points.

The insanity level (which determines who is the most insane) increases and decreases based on multiple factors as well:

If a player is inside the building, their insanity level will increase at a rate of 0.8. If a player is inside the ship, their insanity level will increase at a rate of 0.2. If a player is outside and it is sundown or later, their insanity level will increase at a rate of 0.5. If a player is outside and it is earlier than sundown, their insanity level will increase at a rate of 0.3. However, if a player is near other players or is hearing other players on the Walkie-Talkie, their insanity level will decrease at a rate of 3. If you are on a single player game:[2] All of the above are divided by 1.6. (excluding being around players or talking to a Walkie-Talkie) Furthermore, if you are outside (not in the ship nor factory), your insanity level will decrease at a rate of 1.25 (2 / 1.6). (Ignores/bypasses the initial outside conditions)

This insanity level is not used or updated outside of this, except for selecting ambient sounds for playback while a player is inside the building.

Notes[] Approaching the Ghost Girl while being haunted may cause her to temporarily disappear, but it is not advisable. Read her behavior for more info. While only affected players can see the Ghost Girl manifesting, the ship's CCTV will be able to spot her, allowing unaffected crew to try and assist. The Ghost Girl is currently (build 40) the rarest entity in the game. Do not attempt to Zap/Melee the Ghost Girl; she is immune to damage. She can appear and kill you outside and inside the ship.[3] It's possible the Ghost Girl is based on Alma Wade from the F.E.A.R. Series. The Ghost Girl was the only entity that could exit buildings before version 45 introduced the Masked. References[] ↑ "How to never let the girl start a chase" by WxAaRoNxW ↑ "Single Player have different sanity changes" by cheese-demon ↑ "A Little Girl in Lethal Company" by Snuwman






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